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Cast & Crew Application

White Hart Renaissance Faire, The Goblin King's Haunted Trail, & Feast of the Goblin King

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the enchanting world of the Renaissance? Become a valued member of our cast and crew and help us create extraordinary experiences at White Hart Renaissance Faire, The Goblin King's Haunted Trail, and Feast of the Goblin King! Your passion, dedication, and unique talents are what bring magic and wonder to these extraordinary events.

As a cast or crew member, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating atmosphere of the Renaissance era, or explore the realms of goblins and mythical creatures. Whether you're an aspiring actor, a skilled performer, an artistic visionary, or a behind-the-scenes wizard, we welcome you to be a part of our dynamic team.

Our events are known for their authenticity, interactive entertainment, and warm camaraderie among participants. Join us to create memorable experiences for our visitors and bring smiles to the faces of families, friends, and fellow enthusiasts.

No matter your background or experience level, we value the passion and enthusiasm you bring to the table. From spirited knights and talented musicians to mysterious goblins and skilled artisans, there's a role for everyone to play in our vibrant tapestry of characters.

Are you ready to embark on a magical adventure? Apply now to join our cast and crew, and let's create unforgettable memories together!

Note: Please select the event you are interested in participating in: White Hart Renaissance Faire, The Goblin King's Haunted Trail, or Feast of the Goblin King. Each event offers unique opportunities for involvement, so feel free to explore all three and find the perfect fit for your talents and interests.

We look forward to welcoming you into our family of creators and storytellers!

Apply Today and Let the Magic Begin!



General Information

Welcome to the Cast and Crew Application Page for White Hart Renaissance Faire, The Goblin King's Haunted Trail, and Feast of the Goblin King!

We are thrilled to offer an immersive and exciting experience for our guests, and we couldn't do it without our amazing team of talented performers, actors, crew members, and support staff.

Important Information:

  • White Hart Renaissance Faire: Our faire runs on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weekends of June every year.

  • The Goblin King's Haunted Trail: Join us in October for a thrilling adventure into the realms of ghouls and goblins!

  • Feast of the Goblin King: Experience Halloween like never before, as we celebrate with spooky delights on October 28th.


Limited Openings: Due to space limitations and the desire to maintain an intimate atmosphere, we have a limited number of openings available each year.

A Passion for Renaissance and Fantasy: We welcome all applicants with a passion for Renaissance history, fantasy, and cultural immersion.

Rules and Regulations: All applicants are required to adhere to the specific rules and regulations set forth for each event to participate.

Rewards for Your Efforts: As a member of our Cast and Crew, you will have the opportunity to camp overnight and enjoy a feast potluck-style on designated event days. We'll also provide beverages and refreshments throughout the day. Letter of recommendation from a 30+ year old production company. Plus much more. 

Inclusivity and Support: We believe in creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all of our Cast and Crew, where everyone can feel comfortable and free to express their creativity.

Join Us: If you share our passion for the Renaissance era or the mystical allure of goblins and mythical creatures, and are excited about the prospect of joining us for any of our events, we would love to hear from you!

Cast & Crew Application

Events Interested In:
Additonal Availablity

Rules and Regulations for Participation at the White Hart Renaissance Faire

Dress Code and Theme

Time Period Theme: Costumes should be appropriate for the period between 1550-1600, reflecting the rich history and culture of the Renaissance era. From nobles and knights to peasants and artisans, let your attire transport our guests back in time.

Attention to Detail: We encourage participants to pay attention to the little details that make a significant impact on the overall experience. Accessories, hairstyles, and footwear should also align with the chosen time period.

Historically Inspired Characters: Whether you're a gallant knight, a mischievous goblin, or a wise court advisor, embrace the spirit of your character and embody them throughout the event.

Magical and Mythical Creatures: For The Goblin King's Haunted Trail and Feast of the Goblin King, we welcome enchanted and fantastical costumes that bring mythical creatures to life.

Weapon Policy

For the safety of all participants, all weapons must be sheathed and peace bound at all times except during live steel performances approved by the production company. Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion from the fair.

Liability and Security

All participants agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Historic Arts Presentations as well as their sponsors, officers, employees, and agents from any loss, theft, damage, or injury that may occur during the event. Security will be provided for the faire and encampment areas starting at 7:00 AM on days of events/ However, the fair and its sponsors will not be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage.

Alcohol and Controlled Substances

Please note that alcohol usage during the event by cast & crew is strictly prohibited. Minors under the age of 21 are strictly prohibited from consuming, handling, or purchasing alcoholic beverages. Under no circumstances are controlled substances allowed on the fair site. Anyone found with controlled substances will face immediate expulsion and/or arrest.

Cleanliness and Photography Policy

All facilities used by participants must be left in a clean, safe, and orderly condition upon the completion of the fair. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the invitation to participate in future fairs. Participants agree to be photographed and/or filmed by the camera crew for publicity and historical record purposes. Each participant releases all rights to such materials.

Miscellaneous Rules

All modern tents must be taken down or hidden from public view at least one hour before the event opens. Cooking must be done on propane or charcoal grills, and no open flames are allowed on the site except in approved fire rings. There is no smoking on the streets during the fair's public hours of operation, and those who need to smoke should do so in the backstage area. Those under the age of 21 are strictly prohibited from smoking.

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